University of Michigan Asks You

UMAY is a survey offered regularly to ALL currently enrolled undergraduates at the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. The U-M uses the survey to hear about your experiences.
Your answers matter!
AND you could win up to $100 for completing the survey.
- How satisfied are you?
- What academic & co-curricular activities have you engaged in?
- What is the campus climate?
- What kind of contact do you have with faculty?
- How concerned are you about the cost of attendance?
- Every student who completes the survey is entered in a drawing for one of 80 cash prizes.
The UMAY survey is part of a national project called the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU). Students at other research university campuses take a version of the UMAY survey, and that allows Michigan to make comparisons against our peers. SERU consortium of institutions.
Click the blue bar to show the discussion related to each question.
Will my responses be kept private?
The confidentiality of student responses is very important to us. Find out how we protect your confidentiality.
How do you use my responses?
Results from core questions on the UMAY survey are provided to all schools & colleges that enroll undergraduates. Key analyses are also shared with administrative and service units across campus. At U-M, UMAY data have been used for many purposes — to inform curriculum discussions, examine climate issues, inform faculty about student goals and academic development, report to outside agencies, and identify areas for improvement.
Summary Reports are also made public following each survey.
In addition, researchers at our partner campuses and across the country have used UMAY data in multi-campus studies on topics such as the experience of first-generation students, concerns about costs, disengagement, student participation in research, and others. A list of publications based on SERU surveys can be found on the SERU Consortium website.
Who actually responds to UMAY?
Response rates have varied on the U-M campus from about 19% to 40%. Many of our peer campuses do better, so the U-M is deeply engaged in trying to get more of its students to participate. Every student’s perspective is valuable, and we know we can provide better information to the University when we hear from as many students as possible. We also understand that Michigan students are busy and have many other demands on their time (including requests to take other surveys). If you have an idea for promoting the UMAY survey and communicating its importance so more students will share their perspectives, we welcome your input.
What does the survey ask?
The UMAY survey asks students to answer a broad array of questions about their undergraduate experience. To cover as many topics as possible, the survey consists of a core set of questions and one wildcard section. The survey changes very little from year to year. View a copy of the survey or look at the summary reports of past survey results.
The UMAY survey is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and administered by the Office of Budget and Planning.
Contact: Annette Sieg, [email protected], 734-763-0370
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