Promoting the UMAY Survey

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How you can help

Why Response Rates Matter
UMAY Survey data are more useful as more students respond to items on the survey. Better response rates increase confidence that the responses are representative. They also permit us to drill down into the data, pursue meaningful research questions, and gain insights from specific populations of students and their experiences.

How we promote the UMAY survey
Our main form of communication is email. Every undergraduate student receives an email from the President inviting them to take the survey; subsequent reminders are mailed to those who have not yet responded. We also place an announcement on CANVAS. Digital ads are displayed throughout campus, and we tweet periodically about the survey.

How you can promote the UMAY survey
Help us by increasing the visibility of UMAY. Reach out to students you teach, advise, mentor, and supervise. Year after year, we find that students are most likely to respond if they are encouraged to take the survey by a person at the University that they know.

What can you do?

  • Announce the survey in class & exam review sessions
  • Write a reminder on your chalkboard or whiteboard
  • Add an announcement/link to your course web page
  • Include it in an email or newsletter
  • Insert a slide in your lecture or review notes
  • Mention it in advising meetings, project reviews, and other meetings with students
  • Include it with commencement information for seniors
  • Tweet about it
  • Circulate a digital ad or graphic