State Reporting
The University of Michigan regularly reports on a wide variety of matters to the State of Michigan. The Office of Budget and Planning produces a number of these reports.

Partial List of Reporting Topics Submitted to State of Michigan
- Budget Performance and Transparency
- Campus Safety Information and Resources
- Capital Projects
- Dual Enrollment Credit Policies
- Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
- King-Chavez-Parks (KCP) Grant Expenditures
- Meningococcal Meningitis and Related Vaccines Administered to Students
- North American Indian Tuition Waivers
- Participation in Michigan Transfer Network
- Participation in the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement
- Programs Providing Opportunities for College Credit
- Reports on Enrollment, Credit Hours Taught, Academic Programs Offered, Tuition and Fees, Faculty Activity and Compensation, University Finances, Student Financial Aid, Degrees Conferred, among others.
- Reverse Transfer Agreements with Michigan Community Colleges
- Services Provided Specifically to Veterans and Active Military Duty Personnel
- Sexual Assault Response Training Program
- Student Sexual Misconduct Incidents
- Tuition and Fee Increases for In-State Undergraduate Students
Looking for a specific report or data type? Try the search field at the upper right above, or send a message to [email protected].