State Higher Ed Budget

Although primarily funded through tuition and fee revenue, Michigan’s 15 public universities (as well as public community colleges) are partially funded through appropriations from the State. Operating appropriations are included in the Higher Education section of each year’s State School Aid Act. Appropriating funds to higher education institutions is one part of passing the annual State of Michigan budget.

State Budget Process Steps

Time FrameActions
Governor’s State of the State is delivered identifying key priorities.
Governor’s budget is delivered to legislature.
March – MaySenate and House subcommittees make decisions, hold floor votes.
JuneExecutive and Legislative conference committees meet.
July – SeptemberGovernor signs appropriation bill with resolutions.

During deliberations, the U-M and other public universities provide input and answer queries posed by the Governor, House, and Senate. For the U-M, the Office of Government Relations coordinates these interactions with support from the Office of Budget and Planning.

Resources for Understanding the State Budget Process

State School Aid Act

The State School Aid Act specifies the operating appropriation to each of the 15 public universities. The Act also requires each institution to report specified data to the State and to the public.

Looking for a specific report or data type? Try the search field at the upper right above, or send a message to [email protected].

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