UMAY Findings

More students responded to the UMAY survey in 2022 than ever before, expressing these perspectives, among others.

» U-M is a welcoming campus.
» U-M students are satisfied with their academic experience.
» U-M students participated in international experiences and service projects at lower levels than in the past (likely due to pandemic).
» U-M students value diversity and feel they belong at the school.

Examples of how the U-M uses UMAY responses

  • Deans of every undergraduate unit review dashboards annually showing student responses on 153 UMAY survey items related to their overall U-M experience, their academic major, aspirations, and much more. Results are provided for each major in which 10 or more undergrads responded.
  • UMAY results for questions about student satisfaction, sense of belonging, campus climate for diversity, affordability, and more are displayed as part of a student success dashboard for campus leadership.
  • The U-M uses UMAY data in grant applications to secure funding to improve the student experience.
  • For more examples, see the Record news release, “Survey measures undergrad experience for departments, faculty.”
  • Results on key questions are shared in the Chapters 4, 7 and 8 of the U-M Almanac and in the Campus Snapshot.
2022 UMAY Survey Results Summary

image link
Click image to download handout (July 19, 2023 version)

2022 UMAY Summary Report [PDF]

2019 UMAY Survey Results Summary

Click image to download handout (Feb 11, 2020 version)

2019 UMAY Summary Report [PDF]

2018 UMAY Survey Results Summary

Click image to download handout

2018 UMAY Summary Report [PDF]

2017 UMAY Survey Results Summary

Click image to download handout

2017 UMAY Summary Report [PDF]

2015 UMAY Survey Results Summary

2015 UMAY Summary Report [PDF]

2014 UMAY Survey Results Summary

In Students’ Own Words: What Faculty Could Do To Improve the Undergraduate Experience [PDF]
Comments from First-Generation Students [PDF]
Student Participation in Engaged Learning [PDF]
Engaged Learning: Faculty Actions [PDF]
Student-to-Student Engagement with Diversity [PDF]
Personal Obstacles to Academic Success [PDF]

2013 UMAY Survey Results Summary

Summary of Responses from Graduating Seniors (PDF)
Chart: Satisfaction with Key Aspects of U-M by First-Years/Transfer Entry (PDF)
Chart: Student Reports of Obstacles to Academic success (PDF)
Chart: Student Engagement in Political Issues (PDF)
Chart: Student-to-Student Engagement with Diversity at Michigan (PDF)
Chart: What Motivates U-M Students to Engage in Community Service? (PDF)

2011 UMAY Survey Results Summary

The 2011 survey included special questions that asked a random subset of students why they chose to attend U-M, and how they felt connected to the institution. OBP produced two reports summarizing their responses:
Why I Chose Michigan (PDF)
Connectedness at Michigan: What Our Undergrads Have to Say (PDF)

2009 UMAY Survey Results Summary

2009 Quick Takes (PDF)
This report compares U-M to the aggregate of the responses by students at other SERU consortium schools on a specific set of metrics.

Looking for a specific report or data type? Try the search field at the upper right above, or send a message to [email protected].