Budget Performance and Transparency

2024-25 Report
Mandated reporting per the State School Aid Act of 1979 and amendments. As new data become available, the corresponding items for previous year will be updated to the current year.
Public Transparency Website Requirements [PDF]
(Excerpt from the State School Aid Act of 1979)
(2)(a) 2024-25 Operating Budget Summary [PDF]
2024-25 Operating Budget Detail
(2)(b)(i) Summary of Personnel Expenditures
General Funds as reported in HEIDI, FY2024 [PDF]
Current Funds as reported in University Financial Statements, FY2024 [PDF]
(2)(b)(ii) Summary of Current Funds Expenditures
Expenditures by Function incl. Auxiliary Units, FY2024 [PDF]
Expenditures by Function, less Auxiliary Units, FY2024 [PDF]
(2)(c)(i) Current Collective Bargaining Agreements
Bargaining Agreements for On-Campus Staff (leave OBP website)
Bargaining Agreements for Health System Staff (leave OBP website)
Bargaining Agreements for Instructional Staff (leave OBP website)
(2)(c)(ii) Health Care Benefits Plans (leave OBP website)
(2)(c)(iii) Audited Financial Statements (leave OBP website)
(2)(d) All Campus Annual Salary Disclosure Report, 12/9/2024 [PDF]
(2)(e) General Fund revenue and expenditure projections for FY2025 and FY2026 [PDF]
(2)(f) Debt service obligations by project and total outstanding debt, FY2025 [PDF]
(2)(g) Policy on transferability of core college course credits earned at community colleges (leave OBP website)
(2)(h) List of community colleges that have entered into reverse transfer agreements, FY2024 [PDF]
(3)(a – h) Performance Report Card [PDF]
Enrollment, Student retention rate, Six-year graduation rate, Pell recipients and graduation rate, Student-faculty ratio, Student-employee ratio, teaching load by faculty classification, graduation outcome rates, Post-graduation outcomes.
(7) Count and percentage of enrolled students who filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by academic level, FY2025 [PDF]
U-M students pass licensure exams at very high rates [PDF]
Joint Capital Outlay Subcommittee report (Capital Projects)
University of Michigan- Ann Arbor Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act emergency relief funds summary
Per requirements of Section 275g of Public Act 144 of 2022
Looking for a specific report or data type? Try the search field at the upper right above, or send a message to [email protected].